Cut Tacks

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Ideal for lightweight applications including fastening carpet and upholstery. Also suitable for shoe making and saddling applications. Easy to use and install.
Size: #10 #12 #14 #4 #6 #8 Length - Overall Dimensions: 7/16 in 1/2 in 9/16 in 5/8 in 11/16 in 3/4 in Finish: Black Copper Galvanized Packaging format: Blister of 20 units Blister of 90 units Blister of 95 units Blister of 142 units Blister of 162 units Blister of 284 units Select Options
Product # Size Length - Overall Dimensions Finish Packaging format
47075FBR #10 5/8 in Black Blister of 90 units
47076FBR #12 11/16 in Black Blister of 95 units
47077CUR #14 3/4 in Copper Blister of 20 units
47072FBR #4 7/16 in Black Blister of 284 units
47073FBR #6 1/2 in Black Blister of 162 units
47074FBR #8 9/16 in Black Blister of 142 units
47074GAR #8 9/16 in Galvanized Blister of 142 units

